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Using your Garmin with Exakt and getting the most out of it

Garmin watch Exakt Health training plan
Philip Billaudelle
Philip Billaudelle
Mar 11, 2025
By pairing your Garmin watch with Exakt, you can access and follow all your running sessions from your Exakt Plan directly on the Garmin watch. No need to bring you phone anymore, get all the info you need right on your watch while doing the workout.

Benefits of training with a Garmin watch

By connecting your Garmin watch with the Exakt App, you can access your Exakt running plan within Garmin Connect and on your favourite Garmin device.

Training with the Garmin watch, you can leave your phone at home and still be guided through the structured Exakt running session via built-in audio and vibration cues from your watch.

At the same time you'll be tracking metrics like heart rate, distance, pace, and calories burned more accurately than before and all accessible at a glance on your wrist while out on the run.

Those metrics will be saved to your Garmin Connect account and synced back automatically to Exakt.

How to pair your Garmin watch

To connect your Garmin watch with your Exakt running plan, follow these easy steps:

  1. Open the Exakt App
  2. Go to the App settings
  3. Open the "Smartwatch" settings
  4. Click on "Garmin connect" and then on "Connect accounts"
  5. Now the Garmin connect Login webview will load
  6. Enter your Garmin connect Login details
  7. Confirm that you want to connect Garmin and Exakt
  8. Agree to the Data Privacy policy

You're all set. Now your scheduled running workouts will be automatically sent from the Exakt App to Garmin connect and synced with your watch.

Pairing Exakt with the Garmin Watch
Go to Settings > Smartwatches to pair with Garmin connect

Start an Exakt running workout on the Garmin watch

To start your running workout from the Garmin Watch, you have several options to get to and start your Exakt running sessions. The exact navigation will also depend on your device model:

1. On your Garmin watch, go to the calendar view and then navigate to the day your Exakt running session is scheduled. You can click on the session to preview its structure and start it from there.

2. Go to Activities and then select "Run". If your Exakt running session is scheduled for today, the watch will suggest you the relevant workout first. You can again preview the workout and start it from there.

3. You can also navigate to Workouts and then click on "Scheduled" to see your future Exakt running sessions.

Exakt running workout on your Garmin Watch
Start your workout with your Garmin Watch

Follow an Exakt running workout on the Garmin watch

Once you've started a workout, you can navigate through the workout with the usual gestures that you know from your Garmin watch. The exact behaviour will depend on your Garmin model.

You'll be automatically guided through the workout with audio cues and vibration when you reach the time or distance of your current step.

Complete workouts in the Exakt App

Workouts completed on your watch are automatically stored in your Garmin connect account and synced back to the Exakt app everytime you open the App. Your corresponding running session will be marked as completed and you can review the running summary in the Exakt app.

Automatically sync completed runs
Your completed runs will automatically sync back to the Exakt App
Philip Billaudelle
Philip Billaudelle
Philip Billaudelle is a co-founder and CEO of Exakt Health. He is passionate about trail running and helping people manage their injuries, as he also dealt with a chronic hamstring injury.
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