Run Training & Physiotherapy
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Start with a 7-day free trial to kick off your training!
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Access to all rehab plans
This subscription gives you full access to all injury rehab plans (covering 15+ injuries like Plantar Fasciitis, Meniscus tear, Ankle Sprain and many more).
1 month for £12.99
£12.99 per month.
3 months for £29.99
£10.00 per month, totalling £29.99
6 months for £49.99
£8.33 per month, totalling £49.99
Access to all run & training plans
This subscription gives you full access to training plans (Mobility & Strength) as well as all running plans (5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon).
A runner using the Exakt Health app.
1 month for £12,99
£12,99 per month.
A runner doing the mobility workouts in the Exakt Health app.
3 months for £29.99
£10,33 per month, totalling £29.99
A runner doing the strength workouts in the Exakt Health app.
12 months for £89.99
£7,50 per month, totalling £89.99
Run smarter, recover faster!
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Screenshot of the Exakt Health running app.